Investasi Perkebunan

Investasi Perkebunan – The search for profit through the investment channel is one of the choices that many choose at this time. However, have you considered investing in agriculture? Agricultural investment does not mean becoming a farmer and going directly to the fields. Agricultural investments can also be made for investment activities or invest in the agricultural business sector.

Making an agricultural investment means that you put or invest in a business in the agricultural sector. In Indonesia, there are many types of agricultural products that are often used as investment land, namely horticulture, livestock, plantations and food crops. You can do your research on these products first and determine which one is right for you.

Investasi Perkebunan

Investasi Perkebunan

There are many ways to look at the opportunity to start an agricultural business, namely demand, supply, distribution, price and technology. In short, the question is when you see who will buy the product, where they can get it, and what quality the buyers want. So, the supply side is something that is considered to be related to the aspect of production produced or offered by producers in the agricultural sector, such as how much is produced and the characteristics or quality of the product and how it is continuous.

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Aspects of delivery or distribution are also necessary to perceive the needs of the product in a particular area. For example, DKI Jakarta really needs bananas in large quantities, while NTT needs vegetables, which means that the product opportunities are limited. Then there will be other business opportunities such as management services, delivery to maintenance. The cost aspect determines whether an activity is profitable or not, while the technological aspect cannot be neglected because technology can influence manufacturers to develop their businesses.

Agricultural investments can bring benefits that many people do not know, here are some of the advantages of agricultural investments that many people do not know:

Agricultural real assets offer levels of income above 5 percent per year. Although agricultural investments do not always generate high income, it is said that the income from this investment is unlikely to depreciate in value. Agricultural investments also offer strong potential for capital growth

Investors can reduce the lack of income during periods when other assets may generate little or no income by including farmland in a mixed asset portfolio. This advantage can be felt in the agricultural land rental model. The long-term trend in the prices of agricultural products is responsible for capital appreciation. A fixed rent has the effect of smoothing short-term cyclical volatility in commodity prices, as input and output prices are borne by farmers renting land.

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The first advantage of agricultural investments is the high level of capital security and the low level of risk. Agricultural investments are the answer to your need to be more concerned about capital security during periods of market turbulence that can be quite worrying. This investment is backed by solid assets in limited supply, the value of which is unlikely to decrease.

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It is said that agricultural investments can go in a positive way with inflation, and the proof of this is the value of agricultural land, which increases faster than inflation. This is one of the factors of choice for agricultural investments, since investors are often concerned about inflation. FYI, if the return of an investment or business has grown below the rate of inflation, it means that you have a loss in terms of growth in value.

Historically, total returns on agricultural land have outperformed other assets, including stocks in other sectors, bonds and commercial real estate over a wide range of markets and time periods, and their level of risk is relatively low ( as measured by the annualized standard deviation). rates of return).

Investasi Perkebunan

It is also undeniable that agribusiness has different types of challenges, so you can do deeper research on agricultural investments before starting. Here are some of the problems and challenges in the agricultural sector that can be considered before starting an investment:

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But do not worry, even if there are different challenges in the agricultural sector, it is still considered promising for the diversification of investments. The extraordinary potential of Indonesia’s natural resources, the number of requests continues to increase for food, animal feed, energy and other industries. Agricultural investment is a very profitable business opportunity, ranging from agri-food, livestock, fisheries, forestry and plantations.

So how? Are you interested in investing in the agricultural sector? As explained, although there are many challenges, investing in agriculture can be an option that you can consider. We hope this article helps you! The government of the Kingdom of the Netherlands has mapped the current conditions of the agriculture and plantation sector in the province of North Sumatra in more detail before directing its entrepreneurs to invest. Currently, the provincial government of North Sumatra and the embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands are discussing opportunities for cooperation in the agricultural and plantation sector.

The Deputy Governor of North Sumatra, Musa Rajekshah (Iyek) revealed that agriculture and plantations were the main source of income for some people. “Also for plantations, North Sumatra is the second largest producer of palm oil and national CPO after Kalimantan,” said Ayek, Thursday (28/10).

North Sumatra is also very concerned about the Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO). Several palm oil companies have also taken certification.

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Not only palm oil, the province is also a center for other plantation products such as coffee, cocoa and tea. In addition, many horticultural products from the plantation sector. In fact, food zones are currently being developed in many areas with Humbang Hasundutan as a pilot.

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Therefore, Ajek was sure that the Netherlands would be interested and he ordered his investors to invest in North Sumatra. I also believe that the cooperation with the Netherlands will be very beneficial for his province, especially in terms of market potential and the education that can be given to farmers.

In addition, until now the farmers of North Sumatra do not have the ability to control the market, especially during the harvest period. It is also believed that cooperation with the Netherlands is another opportunity for small and medium-sized companies from North Sumatra to penetrate the world market. (OL-14)

Investasi Perkebunan

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To correct the drop in the corruption perception index, the government must immediately reform the police, the judiciary and the legal system JAKARTA, SAVIT INDONESIA – Recipients of location permits and land rights are often subject to irregularities when land rights are actually granted under the applicable law. As location permits issued land rights such as HGU, HGB, SHM, HPL and other rights, one of which is for oil palm plantations, however, it is still claimed as a forest area .

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As is known, the issuance of site permits and land rights for companies sometimes conflicts with forest land claims. This difference is often due to differences in maps. Moreover, it does not exist until now

Dr. 2 of 1993 regarding the procedures for obtaining location permits and land rights for companies in the context of investment. But in the Plantation Law No. 18 of 2004 that regulates permits for plantations in which there are oil palm plantations. Changes are still happening and currently the site permit has been replaced by the KKPR.

“However, in the general provisions of the regulation of the Minister of Agriculture, it is explained that the Lease Permit is a permit given to a company to acquire land in accordance with the Urbanization of the Regional Territory (RTPR), which it is also valid as permission for the transfer of rights.”, Sadino explained, in an official statement received by the editorial team, on Wednesday (January 18, 2023).

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Investasi Perkebunan

According to him, it is appropriate and is not contrary to Law no. 41 of 1999 on forestry. In accordance with article 15, paragraph (2), which states that the activity for the registration of forest areas “pays attention” to regional territorial planning. This means that regional spatial planning as a basis for granting location permits is the supreme command. In the “certification of the forest area” that is carried out, the organization of the regional territory must also be “taken into account”.

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“The government is also obliged to provide legal protection, especially investments for business actors in oil palm plantations, guaranteed by Law Number 25 of 2007 on Investments,” he said Sadino.

Although there are rules and regulations, the recipients of permits and rights are still guilty. Although they have paid taxes and other obligations to the state, their investments and rights are not protected. The Government is committed to the protection of investments by the actors of plantation companies as prescribed in the Investment Law according to its legal principles, namely: legal certainty; guarantee legal security, business security and business security for investors from the process of obtaining permits to the end of the activity.

If there are problems, for example, location permits and land rights adjacent to forest areas actually already have a decision of the Constitutional Court n. in the Planning area, forest areas, permits and/or land rights.

“This is also supported by the birth of Perpu 2 of 2022 regarding the creation of jobs, which was previously Law No. 11 of 2020 on the creation of new jobs also regulates the establishment of palm plantations in in accordance with article 110A and article 110B. “The solution to the problem of oil palm plantations is regulated in article 110A and article 110B, both regulated in Law no. 11 of 2020 for the creation of jobs and Perpu 2 of 2022 for the creation of jobs,” emphasized Sadino.

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In addition, he explained that site permits overlap or are related to forest land. It is true that sometimes there are map differences between the Spatial Map and the Forest Area Map. This is due to absence

“With the differences in these maps, government regulation 43 of 2021 is necessary to resolve inconsistencies in spatial planning, forest areas, permits and/or land rights,” added Sadino.

Permit issues related to the business of palm plantations are administrative matters, which are included in the Forestry Law. If there is a question of permission, it is not a crime and is not included in the scope of the case

Investasi Perkebunan

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