Profitable Day Synonyms

Profitable Day Synonyms – 2 Words of the Day foreigner (noun) a citizen of another country; (adjective) Exotic, strange movies about _________ from outer space have been wildly popular for decades. ___________ plant or animal species can upset the balance of an ecosystem. Synonyms: foreign Antonyms: local, local adjourn (verb) to stop action temporarily; move to another place Judge ___________ session until ten o’clock next morning Synonyms: adjourn, stop Synonyms: open, call to order

The proud parents and their ______________ children posted a family portrait. Synonyms: beautiful, attractive, pretty Synonyms: plain, homely, ugly, disgusting Compensate (verb) to compensate; The manufacturer was ordered to ____________ to consumers affected by the defective product. Synonyms: to compensate, to compensate. Synonyms: don’t reward, tough

Profitable Day Synonyms

Profitable Day Synonyms

4 Words of the Day (adjective) rude in his manners or behavior The mad Roman emperor Caligula lived an extravagant and ____________ life. Synonyms: absent-minded, immoral, unethical, depraved. Antonyms: chaste, moral, decent, correct. irregular (adjective) not regular or consistent; is different from what is normally expected; Untrustworthy students who have __________ attendance may find themselves disciplined by the principal. Synonyms: irregular, consistent Antonyms: stable, constant, reliable

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5 Day Exile Vocabulary (noun) The act of being expelled or pushed out of the Garden of Eden is described in the Bible story of ____________ Adam and Eve in Genesis. Synonyms: expulsion, removal, eviction Synonyms: entry, admission Feint (noun) an intentionally fractious movement; hypocrisy (verb) make a deceptive move to pretend that a chess master’s debut ________ gave him an immediate advantage. His ____ and incredible ability to counterattack made the champion invincible. Synonyms: (noun) trick, trick, subterfuge, bluff

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6 Words of the Day Fodder (noun) Fodder for horses or cattle. Raw material for a purpose Every experience of life is _________ for the novelist’s imagination. Synonyms: fortify (verb) to fortify, build up troops against an anticipated attack. Synonyms: fortify, fortify Synonyms: weaken, weaken, intensify, impair

7 Words of the Day jeer (verb) to mock rudely or rudely; (noun) rude comment sarcastic This is completely unforgivable to someone with a disability. Referees and other referees are quickly protected from the ___________ of angry fans. Synonyms: (verb) to laugh, mock, jest (noun) jest, insult Synonyms: (verb) applause, praise (noun) applause, applause illegible (adjective) difficult or impossible to read written on many people as a result of the effects of air pollution There has been old tombstones ____________ Synonyms: illegible, written Synonyms: clear, obvious, distinct

Many people believe that they can turn their favorite hobby into a ___________ business. Synonyms: profitable, profitable Synonyms: unprofitable, losing middle (adj) average, ordinary, unremarkable Synonyms: normal. Synonyms: outstanding, outstanding

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9 Words of the Day Proliferate (verb) multiply, increase, or spread rapidly Because malignant cells _________, early detection of cancer is critical to successful treatment. Synonyms: multiply, mushroom, burgeon Synonyms: reduce, lessen, reduce, weaken Conquer (verb) conquer by force, bring under complete control “We must act quickly,” said the general, “to the rebel forces.” ___________. » Synonyms: to conquer, to conquer Synonyms: to conquer, to collect

Sally’s 10 Words of the Day (verb) dirty, tarnish, taint, impure, defame The Nixon-era Watergate scandal ____________ the image of politicians in the minds of many voters. Synonyms: contaminate, taint, taint Synonyms: satiate, fill, gratify (verb) tease, tease When I’m on a diet, the things in the bakery window seem to be meant to _______________ me. are Synonyms: lure, lead, mouthing. Synonyms: to satisfy, to satisfy, to satisfy

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My story manuscript was returned to me with a rejection letter _________. Synonyms: concise, clear, short and sweet. Antonyms: verb, diffuse, verb. Steadfast (adjective) Strong, showing no sign of fear, not backing down. Everyone ____________ admires the courage with which firefighters and other rescuers do their dangerous work. Synonyms: resolute, adamant, adamant Synonyms: indecisive, wavering, restless

Profitable Day Synonyms

In order for this website to function, we register user data and provide it to processors. To use this website, you must agree to our privacy policy, including our cookie policy. ANTONYMS ANTONYMS Antonyms are words that contradict each other and have opposite meanings. This word has synonyms as well as antonyms. When we learn a language, when we learn a word of that language, it will be very useful for us to learn both the antonyms and synonyms of that word.

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Because learning a word with its synonyms increases our ability in that language as well as our ability to speak and write. Learning a word with its opposite meaning expands our vocabulary and contributes to our language activities. There are a few things we should know about antonyms.

First, a negative word cannot be the opposite of this word. Negative words indicate whether we need to do an action, i.e. not the opposite meaning of the word. In language, not every word has a synonym, but not every word has an antonym. Generally, adjectives and adverbs have antonyms, meaning that words that express quality and quantity are often antonyms.

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Synonyms are words that are spelled differently but have the same meaning. Like any language, English has synonyms. A word can have more than one synonym. If a person who is just starting to learn English memorizes each learned word along with its synonyms, his vocabulary increases. We have more vocabulary about the language we are learning and our competence in that language increases. Learning in this way will benefit us in our daily life and will help us a lot in writing mails, letters and participating in social settings.

In some rare cases there are words that differ in spelling and reading, which appear to be synonyms, but are not interchangeable, that is, there is no synonym between them.

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Synonyms are words that refer to the same thing, entity, or concept. Below are some words with synonyms and example sentences.

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