Profit Sharing Dan Revenue Sharing

Profit Sharing Dan Revenue Sharing – Calculating the profit share according to the ratio agreed between Shahibul Maal and Mudharib at the beginning of the contract. Calculating the amount of business results used as the basis of calculation. Calculating profit sharing

Profit sharing – what is distributed is profit – Shahibul incurs material losses, eg: business is liquidated, assets are worth less than liabilities – Profit sharing – what is distributed is profit (income) – profits are not negligence of mudharib borne by Shahibul; maal – no sharing of losses, losses are not negligence suffered by shahibul maal.

Profit Sharing Dan Revenue Sharing

Profit Sharing Dan Revenue Sharing

DSN Fatwa No. 15 / DSN-MUI / IX / 2000 “O you who believe. If you carry out a loan at a certain period, write it down…” (Al-Baqarah: 282) “O you who believe! Fulfill the contracts… “(Al-Maidah: 1) Hadiths of the Prophet Tirmidhi and Amr bin Auf: “There can be no agreement between Muslims other than peace that forbids halal or permits halal things. Muslims are bound by conditions other than those that forbid unclean things or prohibit unlawful things.” The hadith of the Prophet, narrated by Ibn Majah on the authority of Ubadah bin Shamit, on the authority of Ahmet Ibn Abbas and Malik on the authority of Yahya: “No, you cannot harm yourself and harm others. you can’t give” Calculations Profit sharing

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Rules of Fiqh: In principle, all forms of treatment are permitted unless there is a prohibitive argument. Where there is profit, there is a law of reckoning the profit share to God

Syafii: A Mudharib is not allowed to use haraat mudharabah as an expense either in the state of residence or on a journey (journey).

Abu Hanafiya, Malik, Zaydia: Mudharib, trade, food, drink, clothing, etc. If trade is good in the form of spending, mudharabah can consume resources. Imam Hambali:- It allows the mudhariba to travel a part of his mudharabah’s property where he resides and with the permission of the shahibul maal. – The amount of disposable income is known (as usual) by traders and is not wasteful. Calculating profit sharing

Principles of revenue distribution of Mudharabah funds – All income from management funds collected by Mudharabah are distributed to shohibul maala – If the collection is more than the distribution (Funding), the distributed income is the income from financing and the income from other distributions (the source of the mudharabah funds) – If the collection is less than the distribution, the distribution is income is only the amount of mudharabah fund. Calculating profit sharing

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Principles of Profit Sharing Wadiah Funds – Profits from management of wadiah funds belong entirely to the bank – Bank may offer bonuses (given in advance) Calculation of profit sharing

Imam Malik, Al Laith, Abu Yusuf – If the income returns the property, even if the income is laundered (unauthorized use) Abu Hanifah, Zufar, Muhammad bin Al Hasan – returns the manager of the property. to him). income) is given in charitable contributions

Direct factor a. The investment ratio is the actual percentage of invested funds from the total fund. (b) The amount of funds available for investment is the sum of funds from various sources available for investment. Funds can be calculated using one of the following methods: Monthly Average Balance or Daily Average Balance. c. Ratio (Revenue Sharing Ratio) – Ratio should be defined and confirmed at the beginning of the contract – Ratio may vary between one bank and another bank – Ratio may vary from time to time – Ratio may also vary on accounts etc. Calculating profit sharing

Profit Sharing Dan Revenue Sharing

2. Indirect factors a. Determining the elements of Mudharabah income and expenses – Banks and customers are part of the income and expenses. Dividend income minus expenses. – If the cost is borne by the bank, it is called profit sharing. b. Accounting Policy (Accounting Principles and Practices). Profit sharing has an indirect effect on the performance of activities, especially related to the recognition of revenues and expenses. Calculating profit sharing

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The main principles to be developed by Islamic banks regarding fund management are: “Islamic banks should offer depositors a rate of return at least equal to or higher than the interest rates available in conventional banks and should be able to attract returns from borrowers below the interest rates available in conventional banks.” calculate the share

Collection Type Average Balance Mudharabah Income Share Fund Owner’s Share (Shahibul Maal) Fund Manager’s Share (Mudharib) Amount Ratio (A) (B) (C) (D) (E) (F) Mudharabah Savings A2 B2 0.55 D2 0.45 F2 Investment Time 1 month A3 B3 0.60 D3 0.40 F3 3 months A4 B4 0.65 D4 0.35 F4 6 months A5 B5 0.67 D5 0.33 F5 12 months A6 B6 0.70 D6 0, 30 F6 Profit Sharing Calculation

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Explanation of Table Daily Average Monthly Balance (Column-A) – Source: From Relevant SSL Balance (Ex: Last Balance on 1st = a1, 2nd = a2 etc… 31 = a31) – Calculation: a1 + a2 + a3 + … … a31 Number of months for which profit sharing is calculated

Explanation of Income Table (Column-B) – Share to be distributed from management of Mudharabah Fund (as income element in income sharing / income distribution) – Income is as follows: a. Margin (purchase principle) and sale-murabaha, istishna’, salam, etc.) b. Profit sharing (income sharing principle-mudharabah, musyarakah) Calculation – Product income (for example mudharabah savings column B2): Average balance of mudharabah savings (A2) x Total revenue Mudharabah (B) Total amount of Mudharabah fund (A) Calculation of profit sharing

Mengenal Profit Sharing: Pengertian Dan Cara Pembagiannya

Statement of Client Ratio Table (Treasury Holder / Shahibul Maal) (Column-C) – Rupees (Nominal) Distribution figures for the agreed treasury holders at the beginning of the calculation: D2 = B2 for Shahibul Maal x ratio interest rate of each product: Deposit yield x Average daily salary balance Y * *) Age of the month in question. Calculating profit sharing

Bank Ratio Table Information (Mudharib) – Column E – Fund Managers / Banks Ratio Figures (Mudharib) Bank Profits (Mudharib) – Column F – Share of Bank Profits (Mudharib) in Rupees (Nominal) – Calculation: F2 = B2 x Ratio of Profit Sharing computing bank

REVENUE Sample Revenue Dividend Revenue by Commission Revenue Total – COST Operating Expenses Personnel Expenses Total Expenses Subtotal REVENUE DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM PROFIT/LOSS Calculate Revenue Distribution

Profit Sharing Dan Revenue Sharing

For example. Giro July Data Balance Days 1 Deposit IDR 6 6 x IDR = IDR 7 Deposit IDR 9 9 x IDR = IDR 16 Deposit IDR 3 3 x IDR = IDR 19 IDR 4 4 x IDR = IDR 23 Deposit IDR 6 x IDR = IDR 29 Deposit IDR IDR 3 x IDR = IDR TOTAL = IDR IDR IDR Average daily balance = = IDR 31 Note: The number of divisors is the number of months in which the dividend is calculated.

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For example. Travel Savings Statement Number of Days 18 Open Account IDR 6 6 x IDR = IDR 24 Deposit IDR 3 3 x IDR = IDR 27 Deposit IDR 3 x IDR = IDR 30 IDR 2 2 x IDR = IDR TOTAL = IDR IDR Average Daily Balance = = IDR 31 Note: The end of the month and the due date are included in the number of days for calculating the profit share

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Example of Income Distribution Average Balance Income of Deposits Shareholder’s Equity Bank’s Equity Income Rupees Mudharabah 60,000 800 51% 408 8, 16% 49% 392 Dep Mudharabah 1 month 20,000% 2 8 1 2 8 1 2 8% 3 months 25,000 333 53% 177 8, 48% 47% 157 6 months 30,000 400 54% 216 8, 64% 46% 184 12 months 15,000 200 55% 4000 400 54% 110% calculation

Calculation of HI per mile: Total DP3 M 1 X Revenue X Total PBY Total DP3 M Revenue Sharing Calculation

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Pdf) Penerapan Prinsip Profit Sharing Dan Revenue Sharing Program Tabungan Mudharabah Dan Deposito Mudharabah (studi Pada Pt Bank Muamalat Kantor Cabang Makassar)

4 CONTINUED….N…. The profit-sharing portion is usually determined by comparison. For example, if Islamic Bank’s customer care iB Savings offers a profit sharing ratio of 65:35. This means: Islamic Bank customers will get 65% profit share Meanwhile, Islamic banks will get 35% profit share (iB Profit Sharing Calculation,

5 Concept of profit sharing The concept of profit sharing in Islamic banks (IBI, 2003: 265) is as follows: (Wiyono, Slamet, 2005: 59) Fund owners deposit funds through banking financial institutions that act as managers. Islamic managers/banks manage the aforementioned funds in a fund system, whereupon the bank invests these funds in projects/enterprises that are feasible and profitable and comply with Shari’a aspects. Both parties signed an agreement that included the scope of cooperation, the nominal value, the ratio and the duration of the agreement. SAFIRA, SE. Ak, M.S.

Source: Arifin, Zainul. Fundamentals of Islamic Banking Management, 2006: 55, Changes in Financial Resources Current Account Savings Deposits DANA POOL Use of Funds Primary Reserve Secondary Reserve Card

Profit Sharing Dan Revenue Sharing

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