Day Profits Ltd

Day Profits Ltd – Hardware Oct-Dec 1910. Write for price Thos. davidson mfg. Co., Ltd. and Montreal and Winnipeg composite and metal. For current profit and future trading. Push GILLETTE for Christmas GILLETTE is the special Christmas these days. As a Christmas gift, it has many benefits! It’s just right for the hardest member of the family to buy for, and for the guy – perfect fit for the average wallet – just lovely – appealing to both the seeker of Christmas gifts and the man who receives them. It’s useful every day of the year – saves time and money. This is a primer

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Day Profits Ltd

Day Profits Ltd

Hardware Oct-Dec 1910. Write for price Thos. davidson mfg. Co., Ltd. and Montreal and Winnipeg composite and metal. For current profit and future trading. Push GILLETTE for Christmas GILLETTE is the special Christmas these days. As a Christmas gift, it has many benefits! It’s just right for the hardest member of the family to buy for, and for the guy – perfect fit for the average wallet – just lovely – appealing to both the seeker of Christmas gifts and the man who receives them. It’s useful every day of the year – saves time and money. It is a satisfying gift and more. Exceeds human expectations. Add to that the fact that the GILLETTE Safety Razor is the most advertised $5 Specialty on the market today—an article universally recognized as the best of its kind—and you have a true seller, a Specialty that you’ll pay big time for an instant profit. Add again the fact that every man who gets a gillette will not only be satisfied with it, but whether he ever entered

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