Profitable Investment Term

Profitable Investment Term – Return on investment (ROI) is the most important measure of profit derived from any investment. It is a ratio that compares the profit or loss of an investment compared to its cost. It is important to evaluate the performance or potential return of an investment, whether you are evaluating the performance of your stock, considering a business investment, or deciding to start a new business.

These are the key metrics used to evaluate and rank the quality of various investment portfolios.

Profitable Investment Term

Profitable Investment Term

ROI = Return on Investment Cost of Investment × 100% begin & text = frac}} times 100 % \ end ROI = Cost of Investment Positive Return on Investment × 100%

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ROI = FVI – IVI Value of Investment × 100% where: FVI = Final Value of Investment IVI = Initial Value of Investment begin & text = frac – text}} times 100 %\&textbf &text=text\&text=text\end ROI = Value of Investment FVI – IVI × 100% where: FVI = Final Value of Investment IVI = Initial Value of Investment

When defining an ROI calculation, it is important to keep a few things in mind. First, ROI is usually expressed as a percentage because it is easier to understand than a ratio. Second, calculating ROI includes the return on investment as the return on investment can be positive or negative.

If the ROI calculation returns a positive number, it means that the net profit is in the black (because the total return exceeds the total cost). But when the ROI calculation comes out wrong, it means that the net profit is in the red because all costs exceed all profits.

Finally, to calculate ROI with a high degree of accuracy, all returns and all costs must be considered. In an apples-to-apples comparison of competing investments, the annual ROI must be taken into account.

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The ROI process can be deceptively simple. It depends on the correct calculation of the costs. That’s easy in terms of storage, for example. But it is more difficult in other situations, such as calculating the ROI of a business project being evaluated.

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Assume that an investor purchased 1,000 shares of the hypothetical Worldwide Wickets Co. at $10 per share. One year, the investor sold the stock at $12.50. The investor made a profit of $500 in one year. The investor used a total of $125 in trading capital to buy and sell shares.

ROI = ($12.50 – $10) × 1,000 + $500 – $125 $10 × 1,000 × 100 = 28.75% begin text & = frac times 100 \ & = 28.75 % \end ROI = $10 × ($12.50 – $10) × 1,000 + $500 – $125 × 100 = 28.75%

Profitable Investment Term

If you continue to break down the ROI into its parts, it shows that 23.75% came from profit and 5% from profit. This distinction is important because profits and gains are taxed at different rates.

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ROI = Capital Profit % – Commission % + Profit % begin & text = text – text + text \ end ROI = Capital Profit % – Commission % + Profit %

Base Profit = ($2,500 ÷ $10,000) × 100 = 25.00% Commission = ($125 ÷ $10,000) × 100 = 1.25% Profitability = ($500 ÷ $10,000) × 100 = 5.00% ROI = 25.00% – 1.25% + 5.00% = 28.75% start & text = ($2500div$10,000) 100 times = 25.00 %\ & text = ($125div$10,000) 100 times = 1.25 %\ & text = ($500 div $10,000) times 100 = 5.00 %\ & text = 25.00 % – 1.25 % + 5.00 % = 28.75 %\ end Profit = ($2,500 ÷ $10,000) × 100 = 25.00 % Commission = ($125 ÷ $10,000) × 100 = 1.25% Profit Yield = ($500 ÷ $10,000) × 100 = 5.00% ROI = 25.00 % – 1.25% + 5.00% = 28.75%

A positive ROI means that the return is positive because the total return is greater than the associated costs. A negative ROI indicates that all costs are greater than the returns.

If, for example, commissions are split, there is another way to calculate the ROI for this hypothetical investor on the Worldwide Wickets Co. investment. shares.

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IVI = $10,000 script = $10,000 + $50 = $10,050 \ & script = $12,500 + $500 – $75 \ & phantom} = $12,925 \ & script = frac times100\ & phantom} = 28.75 %\ & textbf\ & text=text\ & text=textend IVI = $10,000 + $50 = $10,050 FVI = $12,500 + $500 – $75 FVI = $12,925 ROI = $10,050 $12,925 – $10,050 × 100 ROI = 28.75% where: IVI = Initial Value (cost) of Investment FVI = Final Value of Investment

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The annual ROI calculation provides a solution to one of the most important challenges of calculating ROI. Basic ROI calculation does not take into account the period of time the investment is made, also known as the holding period. The formula for calculating annual ROI is as follows:

Assume an investment that generates a 50% ROI in five years. The average 10% simple annual ROI, obtained by subtracting the ROI over the five-year holding period, is only an estimate of the annual ROI. This is because it ignores compounding effects, which can make a big difference over time. The longer the period of time, the greater the difference between the average annual ROI, which is calculated by dividing the ROI by the holding period in this period, and the annual ROI.

Profitable Investment Term

These numbers can also be used for holding periods of less than a year by converting the holding period to half a year.

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Suppose an investment in stock X earned a 50% ROI over five years, while an investment in stock Y returned 30% over three years. You can determine what was the best investment in terms of ROI by using these steps:

The process can maximize ROI if the investment yields a return. In this way, the system can increase the loss when the investment becomes a lost investment.

Assume that an investor purchased 1,000 shares of the hypothetical Worldwide Wickets Co. at $10 per share. Let’s also assume that the investor bought the stock at a 50% margin (meaning he invested $5,000 of his own stock and borrowed $5,000 from his business as a margin loan).

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One year later, this investor sold the stock at $12.50. The stock had earned a profit of $500 over the course of one year. The investor also used $125 in trading fees when buying and selling shares.

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The calculation should also take into account the cost of buying margin. In this example, the margin loan had an interest rate of 9%.

When calculating ROI in this example, there are a few important things to keep in mind. First, the interest on the maximum loan ($450) must be included in the total cost. Second, the initial investment is now $5,000 because of the leverage used to carry the $5,000 loan.

ROI = ($12.50 – $10) × 1,000 + $500 – $125 – $450 ($10 × 1000) – ($10 × 500) × 100 = 48.5% begintext & = frac times 100 & = 48.5 % \ final ROI = ($10 × 1000) – ($10 × 500) ($12.50 – $10) × 1000 + $500 – $125 – $450 × 100 = 48.5%

Profitable Investment Term

However, even though the return on the dollar is reduced by $450 due to the interest rate, the ROI is still very high at 48.50% (compared to 28.75% if no investment was used).

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For another example, imagine if the stock price dropped to $8.00 instead of rising to $12.50. In these situations, the investor decides to take a loss and sell the entire position.

ROI = [($8 – $10) × 1,000] + $500 – $125 – $450 ($10 × 1,000) – & = – frac \ & = -41.5 % \ end ROI = ( $10 × 1000) – ($10 × 500) [($8 – $10) × 1000] + $500 – $125 – $450 × 100 = -$5,000

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