Investasi Kebun

Investasi Kebun – For example, if you have a large garden, what do you want to plant? Plant corn “chala”, plant pepper “hyyuk”. Even after spending money and then working on it, the expected result did not come. Sometimes a lot can be lost, not to mention the expensive cost of fertilizers, which can be a headache. And if the earnings are not good, especially if someone steals agricultural products before harvest, he regrets “it hurts here (pointing to his chest)”.

Cultivating garden soil so that it is useful and productive should be done by someone who truly understands and will not be easily deceived when asked. Of course, I want a garden to be a long-term investment as a future savings.

Investasi Kebun

Investasi Kebun

So what to plant in a garden that only has 100 buds? Making mango plantations, party of thieves, planting cassava, the price is not high if sold in the market. If vegetables and other things are planted away from the water table. Confused? Of course, I want the garden soil to be really useful.

Belanda Jajaki Sumut Investasi Pertanian Dan Perkebunan

I found a solution from my best friend who lives in Pamengpek area of ​​West Java. “Kiu weh, miss, you rarely come back to Garut, it’s better to plant teak or apple in the garden, it’s more profitable” apple?, about teak, I already know, there are silver teak, golden teak and we have. Looked at the types and their benefits.

I love this jabon, it can grow on different types of soil, you can grow it on rocky soil too. If you live in a village with a large number of cattle, they surely like to pick leaves here and there. Well, it turns out that cattle don’t like apple leaves, so it’s safe to plant them. An apple tree has more benefits than a Jengen tree or even an Albazia. And it is more used in furniture industry, plywood, board and others.

Then choose which teak or apple. Well, because I had only 3 million capital at that time (2011). For example, buying teak seeds costs up to 3000 per fruit (about 10-15 cm). So I chose Jabon which is very cheap at 1000 per fruit (about 10-15cm) and bought 500 seeds. For 100 stumps of garden soil I can plant 3-400 plants, and the rest is stored, fearing that one seed will suddenly die.

My friend also suggested planting in the first monsoon as he said the soil conditions are good and very suitable. Actually I don’t understand how to deal with it? As a result, my friends always remind me to give 3-5 mineral fertilizers to each plant. And it is true that the results within 2.5 years are incredible.

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Investasi Agrowisata

Jabon leaves do not need pruning, as they will fall off on their own. So I shouldn’t worry, especially since this tree doesn’t need special treatment. The age of this tree can be estimated around 5-6 years, but according to my friends it can reach 8 years. The price is quite tempting, my friend’s tree is 8 years old and sells for 1.5 million per tree “wow… you can imagine 100 trees”.

Ejjts..but I don’t really dream too high, because I’m afraid of falling haha. I believe that wearing this jawbone is a long-term investment, which can be a future saving for children. And to be able to cultivate garden soil properly and profitably, especially for someone like me, who doesn’t really understand agriculture.

So how can capital not increase? hehehe In fact, my father also planted juniper or Albasia, but the selling price was not high. Therefore, it is better to plant teak or apple trees, which are more profitable. Apart from the fact that planting trees is beneficial, the environmental conditions will still be good, but beware of many tree thieves.

Investasi Kebun

So, if the garden is an empty plot of land that is not maintained, it is better to plant and green it now. Always keep it cool and then it will definitely become a profitable business area, investing is not just a conventional way of saving in the bank. One can also invest by buying shares, bonds, gold, land, property. Apart from this, savings can also be made by investing in tree maintenance i.e. gardening. And this is no less promising than the profits that can fatten our bank accounts.

Rans Entertainment Investasi Di Kebun Binatang Medan, Dprd Memuji

Investment in plantation sector is very promising and profitable. concrete evidence, such as DP; PTPN still exists and contributes huge revenue to the state. Not to mention the private companies who are not behind in eyeing and investing capital in the plantation sector.

Now all companies and individuals are competing to invest in oil palm and rubber plantations. Additionally, there are many who want to invest in the cultivation of industrial plants such as; Apple, Acacia, Teak, African Wood, Agar Wood etc.

If the results are promising, how can people not be tempted to save the trees? Listen to the experience of my friend Jock who invested in rubber plantation in his village. Who knows, whoever reads this article will find it useful and inspired Joko works in a private company in Bandar Lampung. He hails from Pure Power, West Tulang Bawang Regency, Lampung Province.

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15 years ago, while he was working, Joko Sutrisno planted rubber on 1 hectare of land which he bought for 15,000,000 Rp. – (Rs. 15 million). As rubber is an essential requirement for human life, he chose to cultivate rubber. Indeed, rubber gardening is a long-term investment, because after a period of 4-5 years, we can only enjoy the results.

Dijual Bandung Barat Rumah Investasi Kebun

According to Jocko Sutrison’s experience, his 1 hectare (10,000 sq m) of land requires 4 x 5 m spacing, 500 rubber plants. The investment cost for land clearing and planting is 2,000,000 Rp. – Maintenance costs for five years (sake, fertilizers, etc.) 10,000,000 Rp. Total investment cost 27,000,000 Rp.- (including land cost details 15,000,000 Rp., cleaning and planting 2,000,000 Rp.- and maintenance cost 10,000,000 Rp.-).

Average harvest yield for 10 years is 6 to 15 years old rubber. Assuming that it is Rp. 8,000 produces 500 kg of wet rubber at a cost of – Rp. 4,000,000,- earning a total income of Rs. His net income after salary deduction is Rp. 1,200,000 per month, it is Rp. 2,800,000 earns. Rough calculation of income for 10 years (harvest period 6-15 years) Total 10 Ks 12 Ks 2,800,000 IDR = 336,000,000 IDR, -. Income from garden investment for 15 years Rp. 336,000,000, – – Rp. 27,000,000 (total investment) = Rp. 309,000,000, -.

Based on rubber cultivation experience, the fruitful period is up to 35 years with good and intensive maintenance. Joko Sutrisno plantations still have 20 productive years left, so you can calculate how much profit you can collect. So my best friend Yoko is now quietly paying for his children’s education from the surplus he earns from his rubber plantation.

Investasi Kebun

Imagine at least hundreds of lakhs of rupees going into our account. And you must know that if a hectare of rubber wood is no longer productive, a chipboard processing plant still costs millions. Of course, this will further fatten our bank accounts.

Percantik Kebun Binatang Medan, Raffi Ahmad Akan Tanam Modal Investasi

How much interest? Don’t get busy with calculating Yoka’s profit. If you want to be like Yoko, decide to start now. Save the tree, not death. Why not start now. Come on, save the tree, friends. Investment in agriculture and plantations is an interesting form of investment. Investment is the act of investing funds or assets by individuals or companies to earn more income in the future.

From investing in gold, investing in deposits, to investing in real estate, there are a variety of interesting investments that you can try. In addition, there is also investment in agriculture and plantations with high potential for cross-fertilization.

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For those of you who are interested in investing in plantation farming, you should know that there are some attractive benefits. The benefits in question are quite diverse, from the potential for high returns to working with a large number of agricultural partners.

High return on investment is the goal of investors. You can get this by opting for investments in agriculture and plantations.

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Agriculture to plantation is a sector of food assistance which is needed by all strata of society. The need for food is inexhaustible, but increases with population growth.

Given the importance of the agriculture and plantation sector, it is not surprising that the sector has received government attention. The government has also deregulated regulations that have hindered the development of Indonesia’s agricultural industry since 2017.

The government believes that agriculture industry is also useful for the development of the wider society. Investment in this sector is considered very profitable due to positive support from the government.

Investasi Kebun

The market for agricultural and plantation products is very wide not only in the country but also abroad. This is evidenced by the large volume of agricultural and plantation products exported abroad for trade.

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As the value of our exports increases, so do investors in agriculture and plantations. Apart from foreign markets, our domestic market is no less interesting.

It is not difficult to find markets for agricultural and plantation products in the country or abroad. If you are interested in reaching the market from abroad, of course you need the availability of quality products so that you don’t lose out to other product suppliers.

When it comes to investing in this area there are many promising products that you can choose for yourself as per your needs. Some of the products in question range from food products to horticultural products.

Indonesia has good soil types, don’t be surprised if we have many types of plants in our country. Then, we need to increase plant fertility by relying on fertilizers to maximize plant care.

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Various types of products exist, you can customize yourself with the capacity of the bag. In addition, you can also find pros and cons

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