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Investasi Quora – To some people, this may sound great. My interest in social entrepreneurship first appeared in 2010 when I organized the first Indonesian Youth Conference (IYC) with my friends at Synergy Muda. Two weeks before the conference was to be held, we – with 30 committee members – had not received a dime from the sponsors.

At that time, it depended only on the sale of tickets, of which about 400 cost Rs 100,000. In fact, we had to invite not only dozens of speakers to our event, but also dozens of youth delegations from all over Indonesia.

Investasi Quora

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A week after the event, we learned that the revenue generated by IYC was in surplus! Not only from ticket sales, but also from last minute sponsorships. For us, this is the true picture of social workers’ lives: unstable and unpredictable finances that often negatively affect the sustainability of programs and the impact they create.

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This challenge is indeed a daily meal for social workers. People who organize similar events or create foundations often see fluctuations in cash and income. Thinking this was a great deal for me, I decided to learn more and explore the concept of social entrepreneurship.

I believe this idea may be the key to sustainable development. Not only sustainable development of individuals and organizations, but also sustainable development of the country. Before we go any further, it is a good idea to find out what social entrepreneurship is.

First time in Indonesia, Nevermore claims to be a social enterprise as they create jobs and empower partners including people with disabilities.

Ruma, which was recently acquired by GO-JEK to become part of GO-PAY, also used to call itself a social enterprise, although the label was gradually dropped. One can easily label itself as a social enterprise when one considers the breadth of definitions of social enterprise.

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The simplest definition of social entrepreneurship comes from Austin, Stevenson and V-Schillern (2006), who deny that social entrepreneurship is a socially motivated entrepreneurial activity. Many practitioners (Shaw, 2004; Dees, 1998; Plaskoff, 2012; Martin & Osberg, 2007) believe that the case for distinguishing social enterprises from commercial ventures is that these businesses seek to achieve social goals rather than the accumulation of personal wealth. How do you focus?

Furthermore, Diforni (2004) observes that social enterprises usually have a number of distinctive features, such as: wide autonomy, organizational activities – including paid employment, with the explicit goal of making a positive impact on society, decisions rest on the owner. are not dependent. Stocks with economic risk are relatively high due to fluctuating income and are initiated by the community. Of course, organizations that can call themselves social enterprises are more limited if you follow this definition.

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In Indonesia, the concept of social entrepreneurship was introduced by Ashok when the institution first started in 1983 in Indonesia. However, during the National Awakening period of 1899 – 1942, there were already many organizations and networks in Indonesia that could be called social enterprises. Like the Kartini school. , Sarekat Dagang Islam, Muhammadiyah, Nahdatul Tujar, Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Taman Siswa (Hati and Idris, 2011). Although these organizations have different business models, they share characteristics that qualify them to be included in the social enterprise category.

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The limited literature and research in the area of ​​social entrepreneurship in Indonesia provides very limited information about this area. There are many organizations at home and abroad that are actively working to develop the social entrepreneurship sector, including Social Enterprise Forum (PLUS), Indonesian Social Entrepreneur Association (AKSI), British Council Indonesia and Bina Swodaya.

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When I researched social entrepreneurship in Indonesia in 2009, the number of data and statistics related to social entrepreneurship in Indonesia was still insufficient. As a result, social entrepreneurship has not become an area considered by the government for developing policy.

Cooperative business models that can be considered as social enterprise models can be ruled out because the Republic of Indonesia has long had laws governing cooperation issues. However, over the last ten years a number of parties working to drive the growth of the social entrepreneurship sector have been able to achieve substantial productivity gains in the social entrepreneurship sector. PLUS, for example, has created an online database of social enterprises across Indonesia.

At the beginning of 2019, PLUS managed to collect information about 832 social enterprises across Indonesia. Of course, the largest collection still exists in Java, with about 735 social enterprises located on the island of Java. The other 97 are spread across western, central and eastern Indonesia. The British Council reports that there are approximately 342,025 social enterprises in Indonesia. This number is still less than 2% of the total number of MSMEs in Indonesia. In addition, PLUS also offers social entrepreneurship courses that are accessible to anyone who wants to study the field or create their own social enterprise.

In 2016, the DPR began approving the National Entrepreneur Bill. This discussion focuses on social entrepreneurship, although the more detailed arrangements will be governed by government regulations. Overall, as a country following a populist economic ideology, it still has immense potential and room for entrepreneurship, society and development actors.

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The government is slowly starting to focus on those sectors which can become the backbone of the country’s economy. However, we still have a lot of work to do to make this sector more inclusive and grow rapidly to its full potential.

In order to be able to grow, social enterprises also need an enabling support ecosystem, in addition to innovation and innovation from internal actors. This well-deserved ecosystem can be established with good policies and regulations as a profit base to make progress in social enterprise.

If so far the government has focused its activities on small and medium enterprises from different directions, then the government can add special elements that can help social enterprises in particular. For example, providing a range of tax deductions along the social impact created by these businesses or housing and facilitating social enterprises to export their products overseas, at least in cities. With an Indonesian outreach office operated by BKPM.

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In addition, the government may facilitate the establishment of a specialized business entity that meets the needs of social enterprises, noting that at present some social enterprises still have to separate from two legal entities to achieve the required business model. needs to be made. For example, Synergy Muda must have two entities – a fund to organize all social activities and a limited liability company to carry out commercial activities, ultimately funding social activities organized by foundations such as the IYC.

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Apart from the government, support in this sector can actually come from other parties as social enterprises raise the standard of living of not only the people involved but also the society as a whole. Many foreign organizations are now pouring money and other resources through workshops and events to develop social enterprises in Indonesia.

It is time for other industry players including commercial businesses to get involved in developing a social enterprise ecosystem. For example, if so far e-commerce platforms have been competing to provide seminars for MSME industry players in general, perhaps similar seminars can be offered specifically to social enterprises.

For example, e-commerce platforms and their partners may offer “free shipping or discounts” incentives when consumers order products made by social enterprises based in the eastern part of the country. Indonesia, which may not have many online buyers due to location and a high shipping cost. In addition to undertaking CSR activities, large corporations may also start purchasing goods from other social enterprises.

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In Indonesia, an innovative funding option to encourage social entrepreneurship development. With the birth of various startups in Indonesia, more and more people are jumping into the world of investing by opening companies here.

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Every day I come across various social enterprises which are on the rise. Every month I make small scale investments through a platform called Amartha.

This allows me to invest and share profits from small entrepreneurs from different parts of Indonesia. I wrote a note through a book from Tenun, a social enterprise that produces woven goods that empower disabled communities in eastern Indonesia.

I also pay charity and zakat regularly through Dompet Dhuafa, which has long adopted a social enterprise business model to ensure that its programs and activities are sustainable. Without it, social entrepreneurship is all around us and produces positive results.

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We must continue to work together to ensure that this sector reaches its full potential to create a greater positive impact and contribute to Indonesia’s development.

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Any ideas for social enterprise in Indonesia? Write your feedback via comment column or submit your IDE in blog/article, villa or infographic format via 2019 IDF Submission. Ideas will be published on the IDF website and few more. Will be selected to present ideas and innovations to the market.

Alanda Karija is a writer and community manager for Quora in Indonesian. He founded Synergy Muda and initiated the Indonesian Youth Summit program, which has impacted 500,000 youth across Indonesia to date. He has also published 11 books and has a special interest in economics, attitudes and social entrepreneurship. March 7, 2022 19:19 March 7, 2022 19:19 Updated: March 7, 2022 19:21 1379 1079

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