Investasi Akhirat

Investasi Akhirat – Friends of Waqf, We hear the word investment often, especially after the pandemic. Investments are made to get short term and long term benefits from the given assets. Investors are called investors. Surprisingly, the number of investors in the stock market in Indonesia has increased in recent years. By November 2021, it had reached 7.15 million investors.

Investing in Islam is completely permissible. It stipulates that the principles of management and profit-making are based on Islamic values. Another term for investing in Islam is Mudrabah. This means that the investor transfers a certain amount of money to the investor in exchange for a share of the profit. Not only that, but the loss is the same.

Investasi Akhirat

Investasi Akhirat

“The Prophet said: Do not buy and sell money. Muqaradh (Mudharaba) is wheat mixed with barley, and it is not for sale, but for household use, and blessings.” (Recorded by Ibn Majah from Shuhaib).

Beragam Investasi Akhirat

The answer is yes. There is an investment called futures investment.

Waqf is an endowment because every asset or property we donate will continue to flow beneficial benefits in this world and the next. Of course, the value of the given object will still be valid. For example, if we build a school in waqf. Every student studying in a school from a waqf building managed by Naziritu is like an honorary faculty. Therefore, every tree bears fruit in the blessings of this world and the hereafter, multiplying the benefits of goodness.

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“The parable of those who spend their wealth in the way of Allah is like a seed that produces seven seeds. From each hundred seeds grow a hundred seeds, but Allah multiplies His bounty as He wills. He is the Great (Gift), the All-Knowing.” (QS. Al Baqarah: 126)

In fact, we are not interested in knowing the value of money or in terms of worldly wealth. But the wealth given by friends because of waqf can continue to live in the lives of many people in Indonesia and the world. The rate of impact of the waqf of friends is savings after life, which is the result of investment interest.

Investasi Akhirat Lewat Tulisan

Verily, Allah is Wise. Kindness Allah is Most Merciful and does not allow His servants to suffer or suffer because of spending money in worship.

Let’s fulfill this world and the hereafter, Don’t forget that we need to invest in ourselves and our families to always worship Him. Oral communication. In written communication, the presentation of information is complete; It can be planned and managed. Compare that with verbal communication, which is often misleading and incomplete.

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Although both are communicative activities, writing has its own characteristics. An essay is an in-depth and comprehensive opinion on a subject that has been examined or researched. Additionally, writing can improve thinking because our senses are invited to focus on something.

Investasi Akhirat

In writing we need to be persistent in order to get what we want. To sharpen all our minds, we are taught to draw lines. When the act of writing happens, the brain is in a good state, so that the bad hormones of the body do not work.

Berbagi Subuh Untuk Investasi Akhirat

If we write positive things for at least 1 month. Our journal says that our attitude will immediately improve and our quality of life will improve. (

Pramoedya Ananta Noer says that writing takes forever. In writing, a person will live on even if his body is buried in the ground. He always lived because of his deeds. His sense of immortality resides in his writings, which are read by many, and ultimately free rewards flow to the writer. We can continue to enjoy their views to gain wisdom. (

He said, “These words emphasize that knowledge should not be known by oneself but should also be shared with others. In the past, the scholars used their wealth, gathered time to think in religious knowledge and collected it in books of intellectual love and imitation.

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Writing is like building a culture because it is writing that leaves behind the culture of reading later. The work is born of ideas that enter space and time. The result of hard work is reading a lot.

Anak Sholih/sholihah Sebagai Investasi Dunia Akhirat

He asked his people to read. You will find out as you read. If we know, we can give it to others. We can save people without knowing it; That’s how we saved civilization (from ignorance).

If we are able to touch people’s hearts with the words we write, we can say that our writing is done in the form of marketing. Writing is part of the battle of Islamic symbols. In fact, we do a lot of work.

In the hadith, which is popular among the people, it is said that helping is in the works even after death. Combining knowledge and writing is an investment in a writer’s life. If you do not respond to God, it is a loss.

Investasi Akhirat

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