Profitable Investment Ideas

Profitable Investment Ideas – I truly believe that wealth can be made every day if we focus. The problem is that we are all busy with our lives and don’t bother. But I know you want to become a better investor because you found this post. Let’s take a look at some deep investment lessons from the most profitable trades. I believe that the more knowledge you have, the more wealth you can create.

One of the reasons why investors entrust their money to professional money managers is that at least they know that someone is putting in the time to make money, even though they deserve it. The busier I get, the more money I can make to people who pick stocks for a living. That said, I will never stop chasing unicorns. Let’s take a look at some investment lessons from the most profitable trades.

Profitable Investment Ideas

Profitable Investment Ideas

Below is a historical infographic from Motif Investing that shows how to profit from world events. I had a trading portfolio with Motiv and consulted with them. Motive was acquired by Charles Schwab in 2020.

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Here are highlights of four key investing lessons you should take away and use on your journey to greater wealth.

1) Everything is Yin Yang. When you see oil prices go into the dumps, you should immediately think about industries with high oil input costs. During major asset-specific corrections, there are almost always winners. Examples of other input costs include wood, steel and semiconductors for the housing, automotive and electronics industries. A scary example is what happens to the markets during a major terrorist attack. Stocks crash and money finds its way to the safety of bonds. Interest rates will come down and interest sensitive sectors will ultimately benefit.

2) Notice that everything is good or bad. Obamacare is a highly contentious political issue. If you’re against mandatory health care and subsidizing other people’s health care costs with your premiums going up, you’re pissed. But wouldn’t it be nice to take your emotions out of investing and recognize that Obamacare is here to stay and invest in a basket of stocks that benefit from Obamacare? The same is true if you are a tenant upset about a sudden rent increase. Why not invest in a motive that uses rising rents?

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3) Profiting from ideas has never been easier. If you love to pick stocks or actively manage your portfolio like I do, it has never been easier to implement your ideas for 10%-20% of my investments. You don’t need to learn stocks one by one. Now you can buy a specialized ETF or up to 30 stocks for under $10 and go from there. Motif Investing has over 150 professional motifs and over 70,000 community-created motifs. Obvious ideas for 2015 include: Obamacare, geopolitical tensions, wearables, leisure, luxury goods, the resurgence of commodities, the sharing economy (Uber, Airbnb, Dropbox, Thumbtack, etc.) and more.

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4) Don’t invest in something you don’t understand. The world’s best performing stock market is India’s Nifty index, which is up +12.5% ​​compared to 35% YTD for the S&P 500. I followed all the Asian markets closely in my previous job, so I’m kicking himself. A small disincentive to India. However, investing in the phablet motive, which is up 40% YTD, is a much better investment because I can more easily understand the companies in this motive, e.g. Apple. If I want to put my money in India, I need to feel comfortable with the ever-changing political winds. It is always better to invest in what you know.

The reason I spend so much time thinking about my finances during the slow times is so that when I get busy again, I will have developed a game plan to deploy capital in the most profitable way. I like to have a diversified portfolio of index funds, ETFs and alternative investments based on how I see the world playing out over the next 12-24 months. I always rebalance at least twice a year.

When I’m going abroad for a few weeks or I’m busy looking for my last post of the day, the last thing I want to do is think about my investments. A serious attempt to actively time the market is a colossal waste of time. My goal is to allocate investments where I can forget about my positions for at least six months, no matter what happens in the world.

Profitable Investment Ideas

Invest in ideas for the long term and change those ideas if something structural has changed. Buying a basket of stocks eliminates endogenous risk (for example, CEO obfuscation, customer concentration risk, litigation, etc.). Playing long-term themes over several years makes people rich.

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* Manage your finances in one place: The best way to become financially independent and protect yourself is to take care of your finances by using Personal Capital. They are a free online platform that brings all your financial accounts together in one place so you can see where you can optimize. Before Personal Equity, I had to log into eight different systems to track 25+ different accounts (brokerage, multiple banks, 401k, etc.) to manage my finances. Now I can access my Personal Equity and see how my stock accounts are doing. are doing and how my net worth is growing.I can also see how much I’m spending each month.

The best tool is their Portfolio Fee Analyzer, which runs your investment portfolio to see what you’re paying through their software. I found out I was paying $1,700 a year in portfolio fees. I didn’t know I was paying! They recently launched the best retirement planning calculator. Once you’ve signed in, click on the “Advisor Fees & Investing” tab at the top right, then click on Retirement Planner. There is no free online tool that can help you track your net worth, minimize investment costs and manage your wealth. Why gamble with your future? Not sure whether to choose a solid return investment or a high risk investment? Here is your answer and a list of the best investment options

Investment is a difficult word. Some say: “What is convenient for investing is rarely profitable,” while others believe that investment is a means of saving and not a priority for earning from it.

It is a common trend to get into investing with high returns and low risk. However, there is no investment plan that guarantees the dream combination of high returns and low risk. All investment options in India follow the basic principle that the higher the return, the higher the risk and the lower the return, the lower the risk. One should choose an option according to their priorities and risk appetite.

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However, there are many investment options that are divided into financial assets and non-financial assets. Financial assets, in turn, are divided into market-linked products and fixed-income products. Market-linked products include investment plans that are linked to the market forces of supply and demand, i.e. stocks and mutual funds. Fixed income products are independent of the market and include options such as Public Provident Fund, bank deposits. Now, as As far as the other part of the spectrum is concerned, ie non-financial assets, it mainly refers to the avenues of gold and real estate.

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When it comes to building long-term wealth, there are different types of investment plans to suit the needs of each individual. Some of the most useful are:

Mutual funds are the best option for those who want to balance risk and return because it does not involve the high risk of stocks and the low risk of FDs. Although this is a market dependent product, it balances the return risk ratio by providing an expert fund manager who invests our money. Mutual funds are also divided into mutual funds and debt mutual funds. The current market trend for 1, 3 and 5 year market return of equity mutual funds is 15%, 15% and 20% respectively. The same for debt mutual funds 6.5%, 8%, 7.5%.

Profitable Investment Ideas

This option involves the direct purchase of shares from the market. It involves a lot of risk and therefore requires a lot of research and risk taking ability. However, it proves to be the best investment idea if done properly in the long run. This is a volatile asset class with a high risk of capital loss. In addition, there are sure ways to control your investments by using a stop-loss option, choosing the right stocks, planning your entry and exit and diversifying your investments.

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This option is the most convenient and safe for supporters with lower risk and lower income. Each bank deposit can be insured up to Rs. Maximum 1 lakh. Interest is paid monthly, quarterly or annually

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