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Harian Bisnis – The number one performing BUMD of the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government, Bank DKI, recorded good growth in the second quarter of 2022 in the endemic period, winning the Bisnis Indonesia daily award on Friday (10/14/2022).

: DKI Jakarta Province State-Owned Enterprises (BUMD), DKI Bank’s performance becomes ‘brighter’ during the Covid-19 epidemic period.

Harian Bisnis

Harian Bisnis

The number one BUMD of the provincial government of DKI managed to register a positive increase in performance in the second quarter of this year, as a result of which this state-owned bank received the “Best Bank” award in the BPD category (assets > IDR 30 trillion). at the Bisnis Indonesia Financial Awards (BIFA) 2022.

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This award was presented by business daily Bisnis Indonesia and received by Bank DKI Chief Executive Officer Fidri Arnaldy accompanied by Bank DKI Chief Technology and Operations Officer Amirul Wicakson in Jakarta on Friday (14/10/2022).

The senior director of Bank DKI Fidri Arnaldy expressed his gratitude and respect for the support given to Bank DKI by all customers, stakeholders and working partners.

“We are grateful that this award for Banka DKI’s performance is the result of achieving the transformational efforts that the company has been implementing since 2021. In this case, Banka DKI is on the right track for the changes we are implementing,” he said. said. Fidri in a written statement received in Jakarta on Saturday evening (15/10/2022).

Bisnis Indonesia Financial Award 2022 (BIFA) is an award given to financial institutions in Indonesia, including banking, insurance, multi-financing, securities and other categories in the financial sector.

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The selection of the jury consisted of two stages, namely a quantitative selection, followed by a qualitative stage with evaluation and consideration of the jury.

Based on the June 2022 audited financial reports, DKI Bank managed to record a 30.64% (YoY) increase in profit to IDR 504.90 billion compared to the previous Q2 2021 of IDR 386.47 billion.

Financial performance indicators for DKI Bank, which also recorded good growth, include total assets that increased by 28.99% from IDR 56.73 trillion in Q2 2021 to IDR 73.17 trillion in Q2 2022.

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Thus, this asset growth is above the average asset growth of the national banking sector in the second quarter of 2022 in the amount of 9.54%.

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DKI Bank also recorded 20.15% credit growth to IDR 43.64 trillion in Q2 2022 compared to Q2 2021 when it stood at IDR 36.32 trillion.

This loan growth is well above the average loan growth of the national banking sector in the second quarter of 2022, which is 10.66%.

Credit growth occurred across all segments, with growth in the micro segment having the highest percentage growth of 34.77% in Q2 2022.

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The improvement in the quality of DKI Bank’s assets also contributed to the growth of loans, which was marked by a decrease in the share of non-performing loans, which was recorded at 2.26% in the second quarter of 2022, or an improvement of 3.03% compared to the second quarter of 2022. 2021 %.

Pria Membuat Catatan Dalam Buku Harian Bisnis — Stok Foto © Rawpixel #160713424

In addition to loans, DKI Bank also managed to record a 35.12% (year-on-year) increase in third-party assets (DPK) from Rp 44.95 trillion in the second quarter of 2021 to Rp 60.73 trillion in the second quarter of 2022.

This TPF growth is above the average TPF growth for the national banking industry in the second quarter of 2022, which was 9.13%.

“Furthermore, Bank DKI will continue to innovate with efforts to simplify business processes through the development of digital products and services such as super JakOne Mobile apps, simple JakOne Pay and JakOne Abank apps for SMEs,” said Fidri. *** Crunchy snacks have become part of Indonesian society. Sustained demand for these chip products is fueling the birth of remanufactured chip business players.

Harian Bisnis

In addition, trends in the chip market are volatile. About ten years ago there was a boom in chips with spicy variations. Cassava chips from Bandung under the Maicih brand have hit the market. Through Twitter and Blackberry Messenger accounts, Maicih is being marketed and talked about because these cassava chips look different.

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Maicih was able to survive until now. Cassava chips and fried meatballs with a spicy version are still on grocery store shelves.

We can assume that many people want to follow Maicih’s success so far. Many fans because of the spicy chips. Nadine Fathia, who runs a successful spicy snack business, went viral on Tik Tok not long ago.

Nadine, the owner of Raj Ngemila, sells fried meatballs, fried tempeh, fried cilok, macaroni and fried seblak crackers, all spicy with the flavor of linden leaves. Nadin revealed through his Tik Tok account that on 11/11, Shopee’s account traffic could reach IDR 300 million.

Ailip Apipah, owner of Beledag Jagara, also feels the success of this spicy chips business. This 23-year-old woman can sell 2 tons of assorted spicy chips a day.

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“There is a huge demand for tokens today. It started like before the pandemic,” explained Ai, who started selling broken glass made by her mother in high school. Ai said when there were many restrictions due to the pandemic, demand was only in the range of 5 to 7 quintals per day.

“Now schools are back, online shopping is back and the year is coming to an end. Demand has picked up again,” said Ai, whose customers are mostly distributors. Because of the high demand, distributors are standing around the Ai chip factory to pick up goods almost every day.

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Ai manufactures its chips in Ciamis, West Java. The factory has a production capacity of 2 tons per day and covers an area of ​​1,700 square meters. “They are distributors who can buy 1 ton,” Ai explained.

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Sofyani Mirah, owner of Yogyakarta chip company Bananania, is also feeling the crisis in the chip business. Although it does not sell spicy chips, Sofyana managed to conquer the market in no time with its processed banana chips.

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In one month, Sofyana managed to sell 6,000 packages of 125-gram banana chips. Although this veiled woman just founded Bananania in mid-2019. “Just six months after starting the company, Covid came. Fortunately, after just a few months, the demand decreased,” said Sofyani.

Sofyani’s distribution channel in the marketing of Bananania continues to grow. It now operates 400 stores, including convenience stores, supermarkets and souvenir shops around Yogyakarta and Central Java.

Sofyani regularly receives orders from Australia, Japan, Malaysia and Singapore. “During the pandemic, I started marketing it through Instagram, and orders from abroad came from there. Most of them are sellers,” explained Sofyani.

Sofyani said the chip business is very promising. “All Indonesians like to snack, especially chips or crackers,” said Sofyani. So Sofyani entered the banana chips business, which has many players.

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“We have a large population, so I’m sure there won’t be a shortage of markets,” he explained. Sofyani was able to demonstrate her marketing and business calculations. In just three months, the initial capital of IDR 15 million was returned.

Ai, who started her business when she was in high school, is also able to grow and sustain her business. From relying only on his mother’s processed potato chips in a small kitchen, he now has a large factory.

Ai admitted that he had heard that a grocery business takes 5 years at most. “I am grateful that Jagara will be entering Year 9,” said Ai.

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Indeed, there are not a few symbolic entrepreneurs who have failed. However, the chip businessman who started his business with a smaller manufacturer such as Maicih, Karuhun and Jagara managed to survive and exist even today.

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What is a hint? According to Ai, chips should be made with good taste and good quality. it must be of good taste and quality. “Don’t be half-hearted in your choice of raw materials,” he said. For example, Ai decided to use spices that she prepared herself instead of powdered spices from the market.

In addition, you also need to equip it with permissions such as PIRT. Then work hard on the packaging if you intend to target the end user. That’s why you need to think about the most attractive packaging possible.

“Since the offline distribution channel is not the same as in stores, I have to make a bright but stylish packaging so that my product is more visible than other products in the store,” Sofyani makes colorful packaging for her banana chips.

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We would also make special and attractive designs for her various snacks. “Although our main market is the distributors who buy the bags, we also need to introduce the brand,” said Ai, who also released his distributors to create their own chip brand.

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Next, related to marketing. As an existing actor, Ai relied on his word. “We have been active on IG for the last two years. While those in the market are distributors,” he said.

At the beginning of the business, Ai relied only on acquaintances or connections. Here, the enjoyment of the product is directly extended. And resellers and distributors are popping up.

Like Ai, Sofyani, which only started its chip business in the past two years, relies on offline marketing. “I have no idea, I don’t understand online marketing. So, since the beginning of my business, my goal has been stores that have a network,” he explained.

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According to Sofyani, supermarkets or gift shops will usually accept it without problems if the product has a license and good packaging.

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“I still use the consignment system for my old partners, and the new partners use the buyback and refund system,” explained Sofyani.

That is, the partners buy directly according to the desired amount, but the payment is not made upon receipt of the goods, but there is a delay of 15 days or two weeks. In this way, Sofyani can maintain its cash flow. If there are partners who do not pay according to the promised date, the cooperation should be terminated immediately.

Sofyani left a souvenir shop and a supermarket in Yogyakarta. He said that a gift shop usually has more than 3 branches.

Chips are classified as a type of business that is easy to imitate. Therefore, it is not surprising that with high demand, many new areas are born in the market. The chip business took off. According to Ai Lip Apipah, owner of Beledag Jagara, the more players, the more tokens will continue to grow. Thus, consumers will have many options.

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Marketing will really help, but on the other hand, the price inevitably becomes competitive,” explained Ai. Sofyani Mirah, owner of Bananania, agrees. The crowd of players is not a concern as the market for this business is still large.

“However, it is undeniable that there is a price war,” he explained. Sofyani said food companies can generally make a 50 percent profit. But

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