Investasi Quotes

Investasi Quotes – 25 Best Warren Buffett Life Quotes – As one of the richest people in the world consistently for decades, Warren Buffett has become a figure of great admiration and admiration.

Not only because of the great amount of wealth, but also because of Opa Buffett’s simplicity, wisdom and way of thinking that inspires and influences other young people.

Investasi Quotes

Investasi Quotes

Very natural to anyone who reads it, so it is not surprising if many of these verses are mentioned as a form of motivation and

Quotes Of The Day, 19 September 2019

Below I have selected some of Warren Buffett’s best quotes about life that will remind us all, especially the millennial generation, to keep fighting and learning to achieve our goals and a better life.

If you buy things you don’t need, you will be forced to sell things you need in the future.

Don’t save your balance after you use it, but use your balance after saving it first.

Never sacrifice what you have just to try something new that hasn’t been proven to work or not. Use the capital you have carefully and manage it wisely to avoid big risks.

Membayar Mahal Untuk Inve…

Don’t keep all your assets in one place or in one investment vehicle. If you do this and a crisis occurs, you will most likely go bankrupt.

Honesty is a rare quality that everyone has. Never expect honesty from someone you can’t trust.

When choosing people to work with, there are 3 important qualities to look for – intelligence, energy and integrity. If such a person does not have the last quality then the first two will be useless.

Investasi Quotes

Do you know the reason why we use pencils as children and eyeliners as adults? Because childhood mistakes can still be erased, but adult mistakes cannot.

Quotes Bijak George Soros Tentang Inspirasi Investasi

Both of our eyes are designed by God to be in a forward position on the grounds that it is more important to see and think about the future than to look at the past. Therefore, we need to learn from the mistakes of the past to achieve success in the future.

It takes 20 years to build a good reputation and only five minutes to destroy it. If you think about this, then in any case you will act carefully and differently.

The big difference between successful people and very successful people is that very successful people say no to almost everything.

Failure comes from ego, greed, envy, betrayal. I am successful not because I am smart, but because I am rational.

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To achieve success in life; we don’t have to be smarter than other people, we just have to be more disciplined than most people.

The cycle of good habits whether good or bad is so simple and easy to accept that eventually it becomes too hard to break. So what we need to do is determine which habit we want to form, whether it’s a good habit or a bad habit, before that habit dominates our lives.

It is better for you to gather and associate with people who are better than you. Choose an environment and people who have better behavior than you and you will unconsciously be led in a better direction. As everyone knows, the environment you spend the most time in will shape your personality and mentality.

Investasi Quotes

The only question in carrying out the plan is whether you do it today or tomorrow. If you keep saying that the plan will be implemented tomorrow, then in other words you will not do it. You must force yourself to implement the plan now while there is free time because tomorrow there will be problems.

Technical And Vocational Education

Stupid people associate with people who are stupider than them to make themselves feel smarter. Smart people get together with people smarter than them to acquire new learning.

Find a job that you can take as if you didn’t need a job, or in other words, find a job that fits your interests and talents so that when you do, you won’t feel like you’re working.

People who can enjoy old age without financial shortages are people who have worked hard and persevered in their youth.

Don’t wait for the right time to start something because the right time never exists, use the time you have now and make it perfect.

Nasihat Bijak Warren Buffett Dalam Investasi

The people who lead you to success are the ones you never expected/thought of before. Sometimes we think that the closest people we already trust can help us achieve our goals. But the fact is that in most cases, the people who help us succeed are people we just met or who have the same life goals.

If you are in the category of one percent of the world’s most fortunate people financially and humanitarianly, you have an obligation to help and think about the plight of the remaining 99 percent of the population. This is called returning what has been earned to the less fortunate. When you are financially fortunate, don’t raise your standards or lifestyle, but raise your standards in terms of giving to others.

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The best investment in life is to invest in yourself as much as you can because you are the biggest asset you will ever have and no one can steal what you have invested in yourself.

Investasi Quotes

If you can’t communicate well and express the ideas in your mind, you can say you’ve given up on your potential. Therefore, learning to communicate well is the first step to success. Of all the quotes above, what is your favorite Warren Buffett quote? You have to like at least one, right? Please write your comments in the column below if you agree that the above quote is one of the best Warren Buffett quotes ever.

Pekan Asi Sedunia “menyusui Salah Satu Investasi Terbaik”

Welcome to my blog. The purpose of my investment blog is simply to help you understand what investment is and everything related to it from a basic aspect such as financial literacy. For most investors, of course, the name George Soros is unknown. George Soros is a man born in Budapest, Hungary on August 12, 1930. Soros is famous for his wealth gained from investments. It is natural that Soros is now a role model for investors to follow in his footsteps as a successful investor.

According to Forbes, George Soros’ fortune reached 8.6 billion dollars. The wealth resulting from this investment makes George Soros one of the investors whose financial or investment concepts are imitated by many people. Soros can always choose which companies he puts his money into.

As a leading figure in the investment world, George Soros often makes inspiring statements about the investment world. This statement is then summed up in an inspirational quote by George Soros. George Soros’ inspiration is not only about finance, but also about his political views.

1. “I am very rich in knowing when I am wrong. “I basically chose to survive and survive by admitting my mistakes.” – George Soros.

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2. “It’s not whether you’re right or wrong, it’s how much money you make when you’re right and how much you lose when you’re wrong.” – George Soros.

4. “The global economy is characterized not only by the free movement of goods and services, but also by the free movement of ideas and capital.” – George Soros.

5. “The worse the situation, the less effort it takes to reverse it and the greater the improvement.” – George Soros.

Investasi Quotes

6. “If we care about universal principles such as freedom, democracy and the rule of law, then we cannot leave them unattended; we must build other institutions to protect them.” – George Soros

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7. “Stock market bubbles don’t happen without a reason. They have a solid foundation in reality, but reality seems to be distorted by misunderstanding.” – George Soros.

9. “Whenever there is a conflict and a problem between universal principles and self-interest, self-interest tends to prevail.” – George Soros.

10. “We can talk about the victory of capitalism in the world, but we can’t talk about the victory of democracy anymore. There is a serious mismatch between the political and economic conditions prevailing in the world today.” – George Soros.

11. “I chose America as my home because I value freedom and democracy, civil liberties and an open society.” – George Soros.

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12. “Globalization has made the world more interdependent, but international politics is still based on national sovereignty.” – George Soros.

13. “If I had to sum up my practical skills, I would use one word: survival.” – George Soros.

14. “Making an investment decision is like formulating a scientific hypothesis and submitting it to a practical test.” – George Soros.

Investasi Quotes

15. “Investment decisions are meant to make money, not to make universally applicable generalizations.” – George Soros.

Kutipan Inspiratif Warren Buffett Tentang Investasi, Bisnis & Kesuksesan » Quote Tokoh

16. “The generally accepted view is that markets are always right – that is, market prices tend to discount future events accurately even when it is not clear what those events will be.” – George Soros.

17. “I started with the opposite attitude. I believe that market prices are always wrong in the sense that they represent a biased view of the future.” – George Soros.

19. “I call that first bubble gold, meaning it can go higher. But it certainly isn’t safe and it won’t last forever.” – George Soros.

20. “See the financial markets as a laboratory to test hypotheses, even if they are not scientific. Actually successful investing is a kind of alchemy.” – George Soros.

Quotes Of The Day

21. “I often feel a pain in my backside because I’m wrong. Whenever you make a mistake, you have to face it or run from it. “When I made up my mind, the back pain went away.” – George Soros.

22. “Regulating and taxing marijuana at the same time would save taxpayers billions

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